The Galt Ranch is a working cattle ranch in central Montana covering nearly 100,000 acres. The Galts have been raising cattle and horses in Montana for three generations. Bill, along with his wife Jill and their family, run a cow, calf & yearling operation into which the breeding of good ranch horses fits very well. Bill learned long ago from his father, Jack, the value of raising quality ranch horses and how they can enhance and benefit a ranching operation.The Galts presently run four stud bunches, pasture breeding quality mares in the rugged foothills of the Big Belt Mountains. The mares foal out and then raise their colts in the rough and rocky country where sage brush and badger holes abound. Growing up in a very natural way, in the same country where they will possibly be working some day, allows the young horses to grow into sturdy, surefooted individuals.

Our next Production Sale will be September 21, 2008 at 2pm at the Ranch. Hope to see you there!

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